In a production company with good 5S implementation, there are no missing shipments, no complex, stockpiled, stock-useful products, while in the office, unused materials are weeded out, times to find documents are reduced, and what is valuable is protected.
In the end, maintaining the first S becomes a matter of pride and discipline is maintained no matter what.
Koji Suzuki
0 --> Preparation
- Identify the area for improvement
- Build and organize the team to take part
- Ensure that the team receives 5S training
1 --> Sorting
- Separate the necessary from the unnecessary
- Hold the unnecessary ones
- Edit unnecessary ones
2 --> Editing
- Make arrangements to save time and movement
- Create solutions to prevent making mistakes
3 --> Cleaning
- Do initial cleaning
- Identify pollution sources
- Take action to make sure it doesn't happen again
4 --> Standardization
- Prevent unnecessary materials from entering the work area
- Carry out preventive regulatory work
- Check periodically
- Bring solutions to prevent pollution
5 --> Discipline
- Make all 5S activities a core business practice
- Track the 5S level and monitor its progress
- Create a 5S culture that gets better through continuous improvement activities