Design Thinking Methodology Training

Purpose of the Training

To enable companies/entrepreneurs to develop different solutions to their current problems or needs with Design Thinking Methodology and to come up with innovative ideas.

Contribution of the Training to Participants

Participants attending the training will internalize innovative thinking methodologies and develop innovative solutions to problems. The training will comprehensively cover how to approach products innovatively within their companies and how the new product development process is managed using design thinking methodologies. It will be detailed and practical, focusing on learning prototype product development and creation.

Education Content

2 Days

- Understanding Methodology, Good Practice Examples, Innovation Methods

- Empathizing, Gaining Problem Identification Skills, Developing Innovative Solutions to Problems

- Sample Application with Creative Thinking and Innovation Techniques, Determining the Requirements for the Solution, Designing the Necessary Process, Needs and Resources

- Brainstorming and Other Creative Group Techniques Application Techniques, Prototyping the Developed Idea, Testing

- Methods to be used; Case Study HMW, Persona Defination, Persona Interview, User Abservation Database, User Journay Map, Empathy Mapping, Affinity Diagram, Idea Generation, Bencmarking, Value Prioritization, Solution Storyboard, Solution Prototype